Binary to hexadecimal conversion is the process of converting a binary number (base-2) to a hexadecimal number (base-16) by grouping the binary digits into sets of four and replacing each group with its corresponding hexadecimal digit.
To convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number, follow these steps:
- Group the binary number into sets of four digits starting from the rightmost digit. Add zeros to the left if necessary to complete the last group of four digits.
- Convert each group of four binary digits to a single hexadecimal digit according to the following table:
Binary | Hexadecimal |
0000 | 0 |
0001 | 1 |
0010 | 2 |
0011 | 3 |
0100 | 4 |
0101 | 5 |
0110 | 6 |
0111 | 7 |
1000 | 8 |
1001 | 9 |
1010 | A |
1011 | B |
1100 | C |
1101 | D |
1110 | E |
1111 | F |
- Write the hexadecimal digits in order from left to right to get the final hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number.
Find the hexadecimal value of 10101111000110000101:
Number Binary: | 1010 | 1111 | 0001 | 1000 | 0101 |
Result: | A | F | 1 | 8 | 5 |
Exemple in javascript code:
function binaryToHex(binary) {
let groups = binary.match(/.{1,4}/g);
let hexDigits = => {
let decimal = parseInt(group, 2);
let hex = decimal.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return hex;
let hexString = hexDigits.join('');
return hexString;
Example in C# Code:
public string BinaryToHex(string binaryString)
int decimalValue = Convert.ToInt32(binaryString, 2);
string hexString = decimalValue.ToString("X");
return hexString;